Reply to post: While I dislike Apple

Apocalypse now: Ad biz cries foul over Apple's great AI cookie purge

Joe Werner Silver badge

While I dislike Apple

because of a plethora of things, and their fanbois (and... giirls... is there a female form of this? ok, maybe not[1]), this is brilliant. As a thanks I will stop dissing Apple and the fanbois and Macintosh "computers" (as the BOFH put it). Well, once. That means I can write this one email to a colleague now, some program I wrote under (and for) Linux proves a bit difficult to compile on MacOS X - or whatever it is called, because the libraries are all different or difficult to install or whatever...

More seriously: This is very nice (for a start), but I would actually like to have websites in one browser tab _not_ know about the websites in the other browser tabs. At all.

[1] because of all the gender-speak-stuff I tell students in the first lecture that to me "students have no sex", meaning that any noun (in some languages there are different forms for male or female students, professions, ...) or personal pronoun I use is meant for both unless I really stress one genus. I sometimes change male, female and neutral forms within a sentence just to mess with them... Though I also *do* tell them if any of them would really want me to try harder to contact me either personally (don't know their names in the beginning anyway, and there are several people marking the exams, and I cannot be bothered to harbour a grudge about *that*), anonymously, or through the student union (so far: no comments by them, so I guess I'm safe for now).

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