Reply to post: Re: GUI good

Microsoft teases web-based Windows Server management console

Lee D Silver badge

Re: GUI good

Please enable a particular feature for all users within a particular OU that are not contained in their own group and who don't have a mailbox, or find all things created after a certain date that don't begin with the word "OLD".

By the same token, random selection - like manually picking out "those people who are going to work in that building we just built", which involves moving people/computers into OU that didn't exist before - is MUCH easier done on a GUI than a CLI.

Though possible with both, it very much depends how well the interface was written and whether or not it was created with such specifics in mind.

GUI's are good for lots.

CLI's are good for lots.

Choosing one over the other as a global default is usually a mistake and always results in loss of flexibility even if - technically - one could sit there and press buttons / select boxes manually to achieve the same.

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