Reply to post: Re: Notes productivity

Slack re-invents the extranet and shared Notes databases with cross-company teams

Allonymous Coward

Re: Notes productivity

I worked with Notes/Domino many years ago. I thought it was a nice idea overall, badly implemented on the client side with some good features on the server side (notably replication, in the days before pervasive connectivity). That was just my experience of it though.

IMO one of the main problems, apart from the incredibly crappy client software, was that world+dog seemed to buy it as an email system. At best, for email, it was no better than the competition. If you deployed and used it as "groupware" (eugh) or an intranet/extranet though, it wasn't half bad for its time.

Interestingly, CouchDB was apparently originally inspired by the Domino database technology.

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