Reply to post: Re: Just more shuffling of the deckchairs

HPE waves bye-bye to 36 years of executive experience


Re: Just more shuffling of the deckchairs

The Iceberg was hit when Meg took over.

The Iceberg was hit when Carly Mark Leo Meg took over. The dysfunction at that company started a long time ago.

I started there several years after Carly's doomed Compaq acquisition, and there was still tension and distrust between pre-merger HP and former Compaq people. I was there for Mark Hurd's disastrous EDS acquisition, where former EDS people basically ignored HP. I was there for Leo's catastrophic Autonomy acquisition, along with basically throwing away Palm and WebOS.

Queen Meg is just the latest in the clown parade. The fact that the company still exists in any form is astounding. Any one of the train wrecks above would have taken down most companies.

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