Reply to post: @NickZ Re: Lying is always bad propaganda, because it deceives and misleads the people

Google, propaganda, and the new New Man

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

@NickZ Re: Lying is always bad propaganda, because it deceives and misleads the people

The deception is not where you think it is. The last decade has seen a campaign of constant disparagement of the IT world as a haven of misogynist, unreconstructed arseholes that is intensely hostile to any woman, when the truth is that it is simply more concerned with performance than any other metric, and doesn't make allowances for gender in measuring that metric.

Few women with a long history in tech will recognise the distorted image that the media and certain activist groups like to spread about our industry, yet after a long period in which more women were entering tech industries, this deception is now driving younger women out of and away from it; not because of harassment, but because of an unfounded fear of harassment. They've been told constantly that they will face an unending torrent of abuse at the hands of their male colleagues and that there's no effective way to stop it.

With that lie now so entrenched, is it any wonder that women are staying away?

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