Reply to post: Re: Who started this ?

Big Tech slams Trump on plan to deport kids

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Who started this ?

The question is not who started this, it's how to solve this in a manner that preserves a degree of humanity. IMHO, if illegal migrants are employed and are contributing to the nation's economy because they either pay taxes of remove a burden from society it would be folly to send them back.

Secondly, if someone claims they are taking away work from "genuine" Americans (which would only be the native tribes that used to roam the country before this exported lot rolled in, but I digress), invite said American to take that job. FIND an actual American willing to take the job, and by that I mean at the same salary and with the exact same conditions. If not, leave that immigrant be, because replacing them with your average random redneck would cost too much, and would stop the employer from making enough money to contribute to their orange god in the White House via taxation and more directly via the purchase of funny hats.

The "taking away jobs" claim is about the easiest to disprove of them all.

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