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Judge: You can't call someone a c*nt, but a C∀NT is a cunning stunt


According to Wiki, et al, the word was Anglo-Saxon (though it had origins in other languages, as many words do), and was no more offensive than the word 'vagina', today. When the Normans invaded England, they used language as one more form of oppression of the common people whom they had conquered. The word "vulgar' derives from the Latin word for 'common'. It was - is uncouth to use vulgarisms, i.e., words of the common people.

Most ALL of the forbidden words (if you remember George Carlin's routine), were Anglo-Saxon common words. They didn't urinate (Norman); they took a p1ss (A-S). They didn't defecate; they took a sh1t. Other Anglo Saxon words are still considered impolite or less sensitive than more proper Narman variants. Which sounds better, "His wife is dead," or, "His wife is deceased?" You can guess which one is derived from the Anglo Saxon language versus Norman.

After all these centuries, the oppression of Anglo Saxon continues. I think it is past time to end it.

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