Reply to post: Re: Diversionary tactics wants quick Brexit deal with EU over private data protections

Nick Kew

Re: Diversionary tactics

There could be some kind of crowd pleaser over free movement such as not providing social security for the first couple of years. It's naive to expect more than that.

Under normal EU rules, freedom of movement doesn't entitle anyone to another country's benefits. At least, not until you've been there legally for five years, when you become eligible to apply for permanent residence and then citizenship. Indeed, if you move to another country for more than three months, you have to demonstrate both the means to support yourself and health insurance, so you won't be a burden on your new country.

The UK has an unholy combination of a monstrously ridiculous benefits system and a determination to manufacture problems with it. Labour did it because they wanted more immigration, the Tories because they wanted to whip up anti-EU hatred.

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