Reply to post: Re: Diversionary tactics wants quick Brexit deal with EU over private data protections

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Diversionary tactics

The EU is flipping between desperate and hostile depending on who is making the comment

Got news for you: here on the continent the negotiations hardly figure as news. The EU negotiators set out their stall in the spring and are waiting for Davis and the rest of the clowns to negotiate in good faith. Exasperation at the UK's inability to negotiate is nothing new and neither are the strategies to deal with it: let things go down to the wire and offer some fig-leaf for the UK to can use to placate the backbenchers. Over the last 20 years or so the UK has repeatedly negotiated itself worse and worse deals because a show of strength was more important than getting consensus.

You'd better get ready for a compromise that includes single market access, payments to the budget, and acceptance of EU including the authority of the ECJ. There could be some kind of crowd pleaser over free movement such as not providing social security for the first couple of years. It's naive to expect more than that.

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