Reply to post: Re: The inventor of Li-ion batteries already has the replacement ready

Batteries that don't burn at the drop of a Galaxy Note 7? We're listening


Re: The inventor of Li-ion batteries already has the replacement ready


Your paranoia is showing...not that I'm saying you're wrong mind!

People move around far, far too much these days, "soul travels at the speed of a trotting camel" etc. Maybe we should go back to the good old days (i.e. pre-Brexit, well, quite a long way pre-Brexit*) when most people were serfs who were tied to the land and their place of residence. Unlikely many of them ever travelled beyond the next village. If you can't walk it in a day, stay at home and use Skype.

[*] Actually not entirely true, considerable parts of France were actually ruled by the English Crown at the time.

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