Reply to post: Re: Nazis love diversity

Google bins white supremacist site after it tries to host-hop away from GoDaddy


Re: Nazis love diversity

A white minority is already projected in every major country across the West within mere decades - so may of you need to WAKE UP and realise that what you see as a moral crusade is nothing if the sort.

Now this is just rubbish - the current population of the UK is 92% white - that's about 54million white people.

It would take nearly the entire 'global displaced population' to move to the UK to take the country below 50% caucasian - (granted, the countries population would then be around 127million)

If we dropped the 65million globally displaced individuals into Germany, it would still have the majority of people be of European descent.

If the entire population of the middle east (around 411million) moved to Europe, it would still not be a majority (current population of Europe: 739million)

So please. stop spouting rubbish

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