Reply to post: Re: As much as I hate nazis...

Google bins white supremacist site after it tries to host-hop away from GoDaddy

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: As much as I hate nazis...

The way to deal with these people is to show them up for the odious losers they are, not resort to the kind of authoritarian repression they would argue for - and in the process turn them into some kind of glamourous oppressed resistance.

Why give freedom of speech to someone who wouldn't give it to you?

I believe the counter demonstration was to show them up for the odious losers they were, and one of the demonstrators got killed for her trouble.

Do we really need to allow a constant deluge of alt-right hatred being vomited out of monitors and into people's heads to show how kind and generous and noble we are, when all it does is help bring about a change in society that would put an end to everybody's freedom of speech? There's no facts, there's no to-and-fro of debate, all there is is just the kind of crap is just one step before ISIS beheading videos on YouTube and nobody has any problem with pulling the plug on those.

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