Reply to post: @Old Englishman

GoDaddy gives white supremacist site its marching orders after Charlottesville slur

Snorlax Silver badge

@Old Englishman

@Old Englishman: "Political censorship is unacceptable, no matter who does it, and no matter who the victim is.

Only idiots cheer actions like this.

Piss off. This isn't political censorship. Crying "censorship!!" is a limp-dick excuse.

In this case a publisher is doing the responsible thing and removing these scumbags from their servers. GoDaddy is under no obligation to facilitate their first amendment rights. These nazis can start their own web server somewhere...

Americans have some very strange ideas about freedom of speech - it's usually something along the lines of "I have a right to say whatever I want, and you might too if I agree with you". Seems to be working out just great for them at the minute - polo-shirt wearing nazis squaring up against the antifa while President Cheeto does his best to start a nuclear war via Twitter.

Most civilised countries, however, realise that there are limits to what can be regarded as free speech.

For instance, your right to express yourself doesn't come before another person's right not to be targeted by whatever bullshit ideology you may subscribe to. Have a read of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights sometime...

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