Reply to post: Re: Repair != Green

Tech giants warp eco standards to greenwash electronics, rake in cash

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: Repair != Green

"There's materials.....that are more expensive and polluting to collect and recycle than produce from high grade natural resources".

Yes, all of them.

Otherwise, companies would be cold-calling you to see if *they* could pay *you* to come round and collect your recycling. What sort of incompetent capitalist would pay loggers to cut trees in Indonesia if it actually cost them less resources to collect the paper from willing householders?

This isn't to say that recycling is futile. Mostly it is, sometimes it isn't. For example, dumping a NiCd battery in the bin is seriously bad karma in pollution terms. Recycling glass bottles, however, is sheer environmental vandalism. But *ask a real engineer* which it is. Don't listen to pop stars and pressure groups.

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