Reply to post: That's a broad brush you paint with, sir! Get any on ya?

Foot-long £1 sausage roll arrives

jake Silver badge

That's a broad brush you paint with, sir! Get any on ya?

Having spent a good deal of my life on both sides of the pond, I'd have to say that both the British and the American Great Unwashed are about on an equal footing on 'orribleness of diet. Thankfully there are pockets of gastronomic wonderfulness to be had all over both countries.

Education is also a cross-pond draw.

Healthcare may be nearly free in Blighty, but you get what you pay for. Draw again.

Our governments and religions are equally fucked, too.

And of course stupidity is common across the entire human population.

So basically, we're all a sad bunch over all. Depressing, isn't it? I'm certain Samuel Langhorne Clemens had something pithy to say about that, but I can't be arsed to look it up.

On the bright side, beer.

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