Reply to post: Re: Same impression here

Forget sexy zero-days. Siemens medical scanners can be pwned by two-year-old-days

Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

Re: Same impression here

"X-Windows and Motif, however, were a whole together different kettle of fish. Did the job, but buggy as hell, and highly idiosyncratic."

To an extent, yes. But with a bit of practice and attention to (poorly documented) details, it wasn't that difficult. I never had an opportunity to do much X/Motif development. But I have done some Perl/Tk interfaces. Not really all that difficult.

"If it weren't for the flakiness of that particular platform, I doubt that O'Reilly publishing would be the power house it is today."

If I recall my last peek at my O'Reilly manuals, they were little more than reprints of the X/Motif man pages. Back in my days at Boeing, we got a set of these shipped with every HP workstation. Most of them ended up in the dumpster, never unwrapped. So have got a complete set at home (somewhere).

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