Reply to post: Re: We need a toggle!

Apple signals it's willing to let next-gen web apps compete with iOS apps

Anonymous Coward

Re: We need a toggle!

Doug, what particular capabilities of the web do you think have NOT been tainted? Got a list?

Okay okay, this web worker stuff will be "misused," by demons in human form, no doubt. But that's not the WW's purpose for existing. Web Workers are just a browser coding capability, like html and css and javascript and ajax and so on. The philosophy of the spec writers has always been enhance those capabilities generally, without trying to second guess the future too much. It's been a spectacular success (mostly).

It's hard to tell what methods and enhancements will eventually be accepted as "the best way" until it happens. So don't whinge so much about possible downsides that haven't happened yet. So far most of it's been up, as far as I can see. Heck, I make my living off it! :)

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