Reply to post: Re: Laboratory waterbath

Four techies flummoxed for hours by flickering 'E' on monitor


Re: Laboratory waterbath

Yup, that''s proper network cabling practice.

I learnt that fixing Mitsi cube microwaves. They had the routing to keep the data and magnetron wiring separate, but they didn't bother to use it during manufacture, the result being an issue where they could randomly reset the clock1 when the magnetron turned on (inducing current in the "reset" wire). Only a 1 in a million occurance sure, but when you consider a) the number of these things sold and b) the number of times a magnetron would turn on during regular use during a week, well there were a lot of "warranty repairs" which involved opening the cover, moving the magnetron (or data, can't be sure of specifics) into the designed path, then closing up.

Taught me enough to be sure that data and power cabling has sufficient gappage where possible.

1 Common term, in reality the whole thing was reset. That said, all there was to "reset" was the cooking time remaining, the cooking power setting, and the digital clock, back to first-power-on state. Given the commonality of flashing "0:00" on VCR etc clocks, most people would probably have assumed the thing had run it's cooking cycle and had stopped, never realising it'd reset itself after 10 seconds on a 10 minute cook, resulting in cold food, sore tummies, and very smelly toilets.

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