Reply to post: Re: The one domain where IoT shit cannot linger long

It’s 2017 and Hayes AT modem commands can hack luxury cars

Orv Silver badge

Re: The one domain where IoT shit cannot linger long

"It isn't as though companies have one line of cellular chips intended for phones, and a second one for cars."

That's my point. When you look at the exploits for these baseband chips, it's pretty clear they have all the sloppy development practices you would expect for throwaway tech like phones. They weren't developed with the kind of discipline that should be used for something mission-critical. But they're what's available on a commodity basis, so they're what gets used.

Firmware updates are important, sure. But what're the odds that the companies that make these chips are going to keep patching vulnerabilities for the life of a vehicle? My car came out the same year as Android Honeycomb. Try getting patches for your Honeycomb phone now.

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