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It took DEF CON hackers minutes to pwn these US voting machines

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Notice how the author tries hard to make it seem like the Democrats' arse-covering fantasy known as "Russia hacked the election" is now an accepted fact. No need to "prove" anything any more, just like CAGW no longer needs to be backed up with actual observations. I suppose the Dems just ran some sims, and the results always came up as "Russian hacking stole the election from Hillary." Case closed!

To reiterate, NO evidence at ALL has appeared showing the Russians did anything but employ propaganda as usual. Just like the rest of us did. Nor has any evidence appeared to link Trump or his people to any such purported cheating. But now we're finding out the Dems set up this fraud specifically to have an excuse for using the FBI to spy on political opponents, something Nixon would have loved. THAT is the real crime here, but you won't hear about it from articles like this.

Meanwhile most of the Dem-controlled states are stonewalling any attempt to actually discover how much illegal voting was going on. They say it's all "voter suppression" and NOTHING ELSE!

Yah, right.

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