Reply to post: Re: Legit purposes?

Inside the ongoing fight to stamp out govt-grade Android spyware

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Legit purposes?

That depends on if your country has a Constitution or other document that limits the power of the government to make certain laws.

Not that the US government tends to always properly obey it, but a lot of government employees will refuse to cooperate with something they know violates the Constitution. Or when they find out blow the whistle (like the guy who told the NYT about AT&T's secret room for NSA taps, or Edward Snowden) so the truth doesn't stay hidden forever.

If we didn't have one, we'd end up with the Trump family permanently in power, once he fired all the judges who ruled against him and expanded executive power to place congress in the subordinate role he imagines/wishes them to be in.

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