Reply to post: Re: Baby on board asks for bailout amid dispute over who runs the site and collects ad dollars


Re: Baby on board

"Although they may post their sources etc., how many people actually check it and make sure it all adds up?"

My lack of trust of Snopes started over an incident they dismissed as myth. It was about someone getting a Zippo lighter as a present and filling it by siphoning petrol out of the tank of his BMW, messily, getting petrol on his clothes and skin. He struck the Zippo to test it and set fire to himself and his car. He ran out of the garage and died on his lawn. Neighbours ignored him because they thought the burning bundle was a garden bonfire.

Snopes said they could find no evidence and dismissed it as "myth". I had seen the incident reported in my local paper and the brother of the Zippo lighter victim worked in the same office as me at the time. I carefully documented what I could and sent them the clippings and references. I got a mail back dismissing the evidence because it was in a local paper and they didn't trust it because it wasn't published in an American local paper. It seemed terribly parochial on their part.

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