Reply to post: Re: "The potential downside of not getting this right is very serious,"

Another Brexit cliff edge: warned over data flows to EU

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: "The potential downside of not getting this right is very serious,"

Probably because the majority of vocal remainers were adamant that another referendum should be taken (presumably over and over ad infitium) until they got the result they wanted. Despite democracy not working like that

That is exactly how democracy works. There is no reason for something which has been voted for in the past not to be revisited in the future. It is a key principle of democracy that ANYTHING can be voted on at a later date.

In fact, making a decision sacred is dictatorial. Hitler did it to great success with his referendum on changing the Weimar republic constitution. There were others.

So I suggest you either go and learn what a democracy is or buy some brown shirts. They complete you.

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