Reply to post: Re: Bravo for apache - you're either fully open source

Apache says 'no' to Facebook code libraries

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Bravo for apache - you're either fully open source

FWIW The RocksDB team (this issue stemmed from a RocksDB dependency) have moved incredibly swiftly to relicense the project. It's now dual-licensed under GLPv2 or ASL2.0, a change they accomplished in a day. Given how much wrangling goes into clearing licenses through The Beast That Is Corporate Legal that is seriously impressive stuff from the Facebook/Rocks gang.

React really do need to make the same change - the particular kicker there is that it was originally licensed under ASL2.0 and later made more restrictive due to Facebook's hubris. Illustrates perfectly why a project is not truly open source unless it is also under open governance and open ownership.

The sooner this PATENTS file nonsense dies, the better. What's the point of giving away a license to use the copyright if you try and retain the patent? Sheer vindictive corporate bullshit.

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