Reply to post: Re: wonderful

Google blows $800k on bots to flood the UK with 30,000 'articles' a month


Re: wonderful

"Forgive my nievety , but i think news shouldnt be coloured with feelings and views . hey ho."

I am unsure as to what you mean by "news" then?

Maybe it's a left/right pondian thing. I know the USA has a special place for journalists, as long as they pretend to be impartial. But it is inherent that publishing *any* story has to have involved some feelings and views. Otherwise you just have an endless stream of mainly pointless facts. I can see something like the shipping forecast to be like this, but deciding which n stories should appear (or not) in a publication, and what prominence should be placed for each one is a decision in which the editor is making their own opinions known.

If you have had the joy of attending a court case, you might discover that there are *many* different versions of the the "truth", that the same set of facts can be interpreted completely differently depending upon presentation or personal views, and that an awful lot of people make their minds up based on emotion then justify it using reasoning.

Once you accept that there is no total impartiality, that there is always a motivation behind anything being published, that you should always ask "what is the motivation of the author?" and for the press in particular, "what is the editorial position for this publication?" since that will mainly determine what facts are presented and which are not.

As for the news bot, I thought that's what most journo's where stuck doing these days anyway. Don't toe the line, and no more comments for you. Don't bother re-writing the press release, just copy paste. Run this segment from corporate. Read this opinion piece from auto-cue, because the station owners do/don't want $THING to happen.

GoogleNewsReporter could probably have even scooped most of the UKs biggest scandals by scraping/scanning back issues Private Eye, although this is no doubt straight out of "investigate journalism for gruanaid journos".

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