Reply to post: Re: If they’re a 'DevOps Expert', they probably aren’t

How to avoid getting hoodwinked by a DevOps hustler

Anonymous Coward

Re: If they’re a 'DevOps Expert', they probably aren’t

> Has anyone figured out what devops is yet?


Before devops, whenever developers completed a new app, it was put into Live by a process formally known as "throwing it over the wall". Occasionally you heard a howl of pain as it landed on someone and that was the only way you knew it had gone live (save for the bug reports!).

After devops, developers were kindly requested to shout "look out!" before throwing the app over the wall. In some really advanced companies, the ops guys come through a gate in the wall and collect the app. Maybe even hang around a bit to sit in on a stand up and hear how wonderful the app is from the developers themselves.

[1] Warning, may contain factually inaccurate statements, wild assumptions and some channeling of Verity Stob

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