Reply to post: Re: '34 years of development - Windows 10 is the result'

Microsoft admits to disabling third-party antivirus code if Win 10 doesn't like it

Charles 9

Re: '34 years of development - Windows 10 is the result'

"Pro-tip : Most people don't give a stuff about the gaming you constantly harp on about."

PRO-Pro-tip: PLENTY of people give A LOT of crap about gaming. Gamers are still trailblazers for PC tech; otherwise, we'd have plateaued years back. Steam,, Origin, and so on numbers seem to indicate there are more people who care about gaming than you care to research. After all, what do you think professional gamers use (you know, those that do it for a living)? And no, we're not interested in consoles (you can't play WoW on a console).

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