Reply to post: Re: Our Savior - the Third World?

F-Secure's Mikko Hypponen on IoT: If it uses electricity, it will go online

Charles 9

Re: Our Savior - the Third World?

If they're THAT backwater, they're probably still using washboards and the like, in which case it's like I said: back to the open flame and the icebox. If people are willing to go THAT far back in time, then you can say electricity is overrated at that point. Talk about cutting one's nose to spite one's face.

"Get the government to lend a hand?"

Two words: Big Brother. I'm sure the Nigerian and Cuban regimes would be keenly interested in something like that, especially if they're told the Russians and Chinese are trying the same thing (remember where Cuba takes its cues). Not so their opposition can stage a coup, but so they can prevent one happening, like how the Iranians squelched the Arab Spring through THEIR Big Brother control.

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