Reply to post: When a system is broken, does hacking it really make any difference?

Homeland Security: Putin’s hackers tried to crack electoral networks in 21 US states


When a system is broken, does hacking it really make any difference?

Who cares about the damage Russia may or may not have done? The real hackers were our Founding Fathers whom instituted the Electoral College, and the numbnuts who still cling to it today. It's a system intentionally designed to change people's votes "for their own good".

What happens when an "election" is NOT decided by the Popular Vote? The vote in which Hillarious won and Trumped-Up lost?

Then look at how much further the cards are stacked when by a system in which typically only two presidential candidates even have the potential to get enough votes to be elected. And then BOTH majority parties offer up candidates so incredibly unsuitable to run a country. What happens then?

We The People lose, that's what happens. Welcome to American "democracy". This election never had a chance for anyone to "win". All it offered was a variety of ways in which we could lose.

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