Reply to post: Re: Fuel on Mars

Elon Musk reveals Mars colony rocket capable of bringing pizza joints to the red planet

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Fuel on Mars

Oh? So a small comet on an orbit that causes it to collide with earth.

I'm not the one making an argument for leaving Earth because a "VUE" might wipe out life on Earth. This really is a straw man. I'm not suggesting that the same object would hit both Mars and the Earth but if the Earth is being hit by large asteroids then Mars probably is at the same time. For example if Jupiter stopped doing such a good job of hoovering up dangerous rocks that enter the solar system.

As to rocks for start travel. Do the maths, not the fantasy.

You seem to misunderstand me: build the spaceships on and from the asteroids. No gravity well to worry about. Still all the problems related to large-scale manufacturing in space, life-support systems, travelling safely at high speeds (a reasonable fraction of c), etc., but easier than doing it on Earth or Mars,

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