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Hotheaded Brussels civil servants issued with cool warning: Leak

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"Get the air moving in your office by opening doors and windows for as long as possible while it is cool. At the hottest times, keep windows closed and blinds down. You can also switch off the lights."

I'm pretty sure they don't understand the basics of AC (not that AC, air conditioning)

"You are not advised to drink alcohol, and to eat light meals"

Check, I've got a bottle of Vodka and some meringues.

"Try not to go out in the heat, or do physical exercise."

No problem with the latter part of this.

"Wear light clothing - no suit and ties where possible"

Just Y-fronts and a vest for me while eating a scotch egg. (savour the picture)

I've seen some silly advice in my time but this is class.

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