Reply to post: How much can you get wrong in one post?

You wait ages for a sun, then two come along at once: All stars have twins, say astroboffins

Flocke Kroes Silver badge

How much can you get wrong in one post?

The idea of a companion star for sol named Nemesis dates back to 1984. Star Trek: Nemesis came out in 2002. I think the hypothetical star was named after the Greek goddess especially as ST:TNG only started in 1987 (Planet Vulcan predated ST:TOS by over a century).

Astronomers have already found about 50 stars within 1,000,000 AU (15.8ly). Stars move relative to each other. Scholz's star (currently 20ly away) came within 52,000 AU (0.8ly) of Sol only 70,000 years ago. The problem of identifying Nemesis is more likely to be that astronomers have already found many stars the right age and composition, but they have little idea where they were 4.7 billion years ago.

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