Reply to post: Re: What worries me is that a lot of large corporations

You're all too skeptical of super-duper self-driving cars, apparently

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: What worries me is that a lot of large corporations

It's not parroting. Automated systems work well. They require on rails, or a large percentage automation (or asymmetrical).

We have none of that on the roads currently. In fact, it may reflect what happened 100 years ago. We went from having "roads" to having "roads and pavements" as the pedestrians were (literally) forced off the roads.

So it's not a problem as such... it's a requirement. The roads are required to change. Either "automation lanes" (or the opposite "manual lanes") to divide off the different types of traffic, or compulsory and extensive signage and driving method/style law changes.

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