Reply to post: Re: Self driving delivery vans?

Waymo waves off original Google Firefly driverless car

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Self driving delivery vans?

If you want to rob a delivery van, just follow on a street where most of the houses have alleyways behind them so he can't pull in a driveway, and wait for him to carry a package up to the front door of a house without closing the rear of the truck. I see them leave the back open all the time around here when they have deliveries in more than one location so he'll bring the package up to one house, return to the truck for the other and deliver that.

Just help yourself to whatever looks valuable and take off. If you time it right he won't even see you do it. I'd guess the trucks have cameras in the rear so you might want to cover your face and license plate of your getaway car.

How are robot delivery cars going to make this easier? You wouldn't need a "bop a driver over the head" unless it is an armored car. You think a Fedex driver is going to try to stop someone who wants to cut open the back of his van and steal packages? I'll bet they are trained not to try to confront anyone, but rather get to safety and call the cops, in that order. The robot delivery car would do the same, except there's no "get to safety" so it would call the cops quicker.

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