Reply to post: Re: Demonstration

Hyperloop One teases idea of 50-minute London-Edinburgh ride

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Demonstration

or living in Limburg, but who would actually want to do that...

My dear boy, you have not lived until you have tasted our vlaai, and you were only too quick to adopt our carnival (that is, the drinking part, not the culture behind it). In addition, you may want to pick up the only tonal language in Europe, which sounds a lot smoother that the regurgitating throat scrapes required to speak high Dutch.

As a neat side effect, people from around here usually also speak German in addition to English, if not fluent than at least usable, and are able to understand the less comprehensible Swiss German as it has the same root. We also know about open borders because we've had those for decades, and we were saved from Americans inventing myths about little boys with fingers in dikes because our bit is less prone to flooding.

Add to that that people don't spend most of their morning commute parked in a large ring around the Randstad region that rather resembles London's M25 on a slow day and it's not a bad place to be.

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