Reply to post: "'if you are this overweight/smoke..this operation is likely to leave you worse off"

Retirement age must move as life expectancy grows, says WEF

John Smith 19 Gold badge

"'if you are this overweight/smoke..this operation is likely to leave you worse off"

Actually the NHS in the UK regularly denies orthopedic operations on grounds of weight and has made gastric bypass surgery (which is drastic and very effective) much harder to come by.

Gastric bypass (the clue is in the name) re routes your digestive tract so most of your stomach and intestines are not available to absorb food. It can both cut weight by literally a stone a month (6.34Kg). It also can reverse 40-60% of the cases of type II diabetes of the patients who are diabetic and have had this surgery. AFAIK *unlike gastric banding) it's permanent. You will learn to eat in a whole different way.

It's quite common in the rest of the EU where it's considered both effective and a lot cheaper than coping with the (very expensive) long term effects of obesity.

But in the UK obesity is still viewed like smoking used to be IE it's a lifestyle choice and you "Just lack will power."

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