Reply to post: Re: Earth to the WEF ...

Retirement age must move as life expectancy grows, says WEF

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Earth to the WEF ...

That's the price you pay for not actually buying your house when you can afford it rather than spending those bills on booze.

Booze? luxury!

After all my essential bills go out each month I'm lucky if I have £200/m to feed myself and my kids when they come over for the weekend. No I don't have a SKY+HDBBQWTF subscription, don't drive, don't go on holiday, don't buy clothes until the current set are threadbare and have a mobile phone to keep in contact with family. I just got made redundant and even with nearly 20 years of payoff it's still not enough for a deposit on a house near me.

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