Reply to post: Re: The weakest point ... ?

Trident nuke subs are hackable, thunders Wikipedia-based report

Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

Re: The weakest point ... ?


Ah, a counterstrike. Yes, we could kill millions of civilians, none of whom had any responsibility for the original attack

Its why we aimed at Soviet cities... there was no point aiming at missile silos or airfields or naval bases because the targets would be long gone.

So you aim at the enemy infrastructure.... going to be damn hard claiming victory over the evil capitalist west when most of your major cities are smoking holes in the ground*

That was whole point of MAD, whatever you did to your enemy would land on you 30 mins later

Of course thats assuming that both sides are rational and care about what happens after you press the button.. when one side is glad to kill the unbelievers and is happy that so many of its own people will be on their way to paradise, then you have a problem....

* of course the smoking holes in the ground thing does lead to the great question of nuclear warfare

.... deciding WHICH smoking hole in the ground is the winner

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