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BA's 'global IT system failure' was due to 'power surge'


Well.. that was eons ago.. Now there are two significant changes..

1. Brightness has faded.. The recruitment is focusing on the cheap and easy but not so bright, who wont jump ship after gaining three or four years of experience. This has been going on for the last 10 to 11 years but accelerated in the last 6 years

2. The culture within TCS has also changed. Previously as many mentioned it was 'Customer is the king'. Now, it is pass the ball back to the customer with more questions. If the customer asks for a change, ask repeatedly about the specification until the customer cannot answer in any clear form and then implement something minimal that the customer cannot complain as not meeting the requirements. And in the meantime grill the customer for test cases so that the customer loses the will to live (remember that in most of the companies the business team's turn over is so much that if you ask questions for sufficient time, the person who asks the question would have left the team before it comes around to implement!) and bake in the code for the test cases to pass.

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