Reply to post: Re: I doubt Google keeps so much logging but they might

‪WannaCry‬pt ransomware note likely written by Google Translate-using Chinese speakers


Re: I doubt Google keeps so much logging but they might

Replying to my own post. It has begun.

Today El Reg served up these two ads on my front page:

"Canada's Bitcoin Exchange - Most Secure, Lowest Fees"

"Get a free copy of 'Building an Enterprise Cloud for Dummies.'"

I'm touched, I'm honoured, I'm blushing. This is a way higher hacker class than the ads for Ladies' clothing I've been seeing for weeks. Though just between us, I do have a great pair of gams. Hairy, but shapely. Even Mrs. Bunch is jealous.

So it's clear that it was all My Fault. Before you arrest me, occifers, I need to know this, what is an "Intellectual Property address"?

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