Reply to post: Re: gallow's humor but

Venezuela increases internet censorship and surveillance in crisis

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: gallow's humor but

> "70 years of propaganda has convinced you that social democracy is a bad thing."

This "social democracy" term was unfamiliar, so I looked it up.

It appears the term means that socialism (govt meddling in economics) gets extended to the personal sphere too (govt meddling with our lives). It's a sort of holistic approach to government control and regulation, but always for the good of society, of course.

I'm also wondering about this 70 years of propaganda thing. Lessee, that would be 1947. Oh right, the beginning of the US post war boom. Capitalism, the thing that made us all much richer while making a few very rich indeed, the swine. So, it's all lies? We aren't really much better off materially than our recent ancestors?

No AC, no big cars, no flat screens, no magic hand phones, no air travel for all, no advanced medicine? Amazing! They had me completely bamboozled!

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