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What is dead may never die: a new version of OS/2 just arrived

bombastic bob Silver badge

@Anonymous South African Coward

"why do you refer to it as Win-10-nic?"

Icebergs ahead! better open the throttles and race them! Queue the music with Celine Dione, and some emotionally touching scenes, and next thing you know, it's not so "unsinkable" any more.

Microsoft released Windows 10 *KNOWING* it's a pile of crap, they did it at the objection of their customers, they jammed it down our throats and up our backsides, and did everything except show up at your house and demand you install it at gunpoint, etc. etc. to force it onto our lives [not a mis-spelling of 'into']. And it's doomed to sink. Hence, "Win-10-nic".

And it's also why I'm glad OS/2 is getting another jump start.

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