Reply to post: Re: There is nothing wrong against proper old guard

IBM CEO Ginni flouts £75 travel crackdown, rides Big Blue chopper

Blank Reg

Re: There is nothing wrong against proper old guard

One way to get rid of this short term thinking by upper management is to radically alter the way they are compensated.

Executive pay should be split into base pay and then some form of bonus/options based on the performance of the company in the future. Keep base pay at something like $250k, a good salary but not excessive. Then all those extra millions that they are used to making are deferred 3-5 years.

So if your actions as CEO only cause short terms gains but set the company up for failure in the future, then those options are going to be worthless by the time you are allowed to exercise them.

I'm sure such a compensation structure would have a big impact on how companies are run. But I'm also sure it won't happen.

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