Reply to post: Re: pull the other one

After stiffing us with Trump, Weiner 'fesses to underage cock shot rot

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: pull the other one

While I have to sympathize with the guy (I was about to write "feel for the guy", but that would have come across a little weird.), I believe the Reg missed a great opportunity to write one of those double-entandre-filled masterpieces which it's readership so pruriently loves.

A talented writer could have done a lot just editing "the long-running Weiner sexting saga" some. Or comment that threatening Weiner with a trip to "chokey" might be cause for arousal instead of fear.

Well, hopefully Anthony Weiner will be able to rebuild some kind of meaningful career and life after he is out.

BTW, the documentary about his mayoral run in New York City is supposed to be a really good film, as it records both his campaign and the second and final implosion of his political career.

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