Reply to post: Re: AC Re: AC Agile and government do not mix

Agile consultant behind UK's disastrous Common Platform Programme steps down

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: AC Agile and government do not mix

"Who produces the reports?...." That depends on how savvy the customer is. If they are smart they will have one of their staff included in the team to make sure what is reported actually matches real progress.

"....Unless they're receiving actual functionality that they can use and test themselves, they're taking on trust that your progress reports are true." LOL, it's called a court case. As it was once put to me by an experienced PM, lying to the customer is bad, but giving them written evidence of your lie that could be used in court, well that's just downright stupid. The Government has lots of lawyers, time and money to pursue those that are stupid. Any consultant worth his money will make sure any report doesn't put a rope round his own neck by falsifying results. Consultants not worth their money....?

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