Reply to post: Re: Risk Management

74 countries hit by NSA-powered WannaCrypt ransomware backdoor: Emergency fixes emitted by Microsoft for WinXP+

Snorlax Silver badge

Re: Risk Management

@Ivan 4: "In my book that makes MS responsible to keep their OS 'safe' as long as said equipment is kept in use or pay the full cost of upgrading the equipment to allow it to use their newer OS."

Sorry, I don't follow your logic. Should my local supermarket restock my fridge every week once I run out of food? Or should a car manufacturer replace your clapped-out 13-year-old car with a new one?

Can you explain to me, with consideration for any contractual terms one might agree to in the EULA, how that proposal would work?

The hypothetical MRI scanner spoken of earlier wouldn't be built by Microsoft, but rather GE or Siemens or whoever, and would normally be covered by some type of service contract which MS would not be a party to. But lets not allow that to get in the way of your hysteria.

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