Reply to post: Re: Did Dyson participate in the standards setting process?

Dyson celebrates 'shock' EU Court win over flawed energy tests


Re: Did Dyson participate in the standards setting process?

@Steve D

This is precisely why it is important to actually participate in the standards setting process. It is a very dull, detail-orientated and time consuming process. No-one else is going to do it for you, because unless they are actually in the same industry they will not be as alert for all the ways you can get fucked over.

It is not the industries job, or any private individuals for that matter, to set the standards that are a result of governmental legislation.

If the government passes legislation setting certain standards, it is their job to set the standards. If they don't have the appropriate in-house expertise to set those standards, whether it be medical, energy production, mining, manufacturing, drugs, what have you, then it is up to the government to obtain that expertise by hiring (either direct employment of contractors/consultants) those that do.

Why should they expect the work required to set a standard, a standard they are mandating, be done for free? The costs involved to companies to participate in such processes can be millions, why should the government get that work for free?

And a legislated standard, like any law, is subject to challenge in the courts. So why participate, for free, in a standards process when if you don't agree with the results you can take absolutely appropriate path of sueing in court?

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