Reply to post: Re: AC Re: Agile and government do not mix

Agile consultant behind UK's disastrous Common Platform Programme steps down

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: Agile and government do not mix

"....With waterfall, the customer's taking your word for it that everything is on course...." Male bovine genetalia. With proper waterfall you get a comprehensive reporting system that keeps the customer well-informed. What happens is this - the customer produces a wish-list of airy-fairy nonsense as a requirements doc; the experienced waterfallists say "no, doesn't pass the feasibility study, go away and map out your requirements properly if you want the project to succeed", but the hipsters say "hey, no probs, we'll just go agile (and make it up as we go along)"; management ignore the waterfallists and accept the pipe dream that agile can solve everything; project fails; management finally bite the bullet, tank the hipsters, and ask the experienced waterfallists to try and rescue something from the wreckage. Seen it in government projects plenty of times.

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