Reply to post: Re: LibreOffice 365: downvote

Apache OpenOffice: Not dead yet, you'll just have to wait until mid-May for mystery security fixes

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: LibreOffice 365: downvote

> How does one know what one is getting when downloading anything?

You definitely know what you're getting. What you do not know is if that's what you expected to get.

How do you know that when you're logging into the Office whatever site you are really logging into the right site and not a fake one? How do you know that whatever software updates you are getting are really what you're expecting to get (yes I know about signatures)?

The answer is, it depends on the degree of sophistication of both the target and the attacker.

Quite what in God's name this has to do with LibreOffice, or FOSS, or anything else, however, I cannot fathom.

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