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Apache OpenOffice: Not dead yet, you'll just have to wait until mid-May for mystery security fixes


Which they (LO) has done quite aggressively. Even if for no other reason, Apache accepting OpenOffice from Oracle (if Apache had not accepted it, OO would have been shuttered), allowed the relicensing of the entire codebase to ALv2, which was a VERY good thing for LO, since it provided them with true IP provenance and patent protection.

LO could, of course, be "neighborly" and return some patches improvements to AOO, despite not being required to due to their licensing, but have chosen not to, which is their right. But it does seem ironic that LO requires patches to their code to be contributed back, but don't feel the need/desire to do so in cases where it's not required. It proves, to me at least, is that copyleft licenses are all about forcing behavior that one doesn't expect to simply happen, which is a sad outlook.

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